Registration is now open for the NJYS Young Olympians Program (click here)!
The NJ Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program (ODP) will begin programming for its Young Olympians Program in March 2023. Girls and boys from birth years 2012-2013 are eligible to participate. Sessions are hosted regionally (south, shore, central and north) to facilitate participation throughout the state.  Sessions will be covered by a consistent core of NJYS coaches following an age appropriate curriculum and methodology at each location. This effort will establish uniformity in training sessions and related player evaluations.    Â
The Young Olympians Program is an introductory stage for players who aspire to play at a high level and provides a path to participate in ODP. Each player’s abilities will be assessed, and the sessions will be segmented so that players are training with others of like ability. The program will focus on improving the player's technical ability and tactical awareness while exposing players and parents to the US Youth Soccer ODP and NJYS ODP environment.

The Young Olympians Program includes three training sessions, as well as 4v4 and 9v9 tournaments. Pre-registration is required. The cost for the program remains at $150 (unchanged from 2022) and, as a bonus, registered players will receive complimentary access to the Techne Futbol training platform (beginning in March). Techne Futbol was founded by Yael Averbuch, former ODP standout and US Soccer National Team player. The platform provides players with activities that they can perform on their own.
Please note that to ensure a proper training environment, registration will be limited to fifty (50) players, per region, age group, and gender, on a first come first served basis. If demand exceeds capacity, NJ Youth Soccer will create a wait list and seek solutions for those individuals desiring to participate.  Â
Registration is now open. Click here to register and for additional details regarding schedules. Locations will be updated once confirmed.
NJ Youth Soccer is excited to offer this exceptional opportunity for its membership and looks to continue to build upon the successes of prior years.  We look forward seeing the players on the field. Please email with any additional questions regarding the program.
NJ Youth Soccer