
Program Overview

The New York Red Bulls Regional Select is a program that provides high-level travel players with an opportunity to join a Red Bull Select Team. Teams are formed via tryout and operate during the summer and winter seasons, allowing players to stay with their club teams while experiencing additional supplementary training and competitive tournament play in a club-neutral setting. The program allows players an opportunity to meet like-minded athletes and compete in a fun and challenging environment throughout each season without the need for extensive travel every week.

Regional Select offers an alternative pathway into the Red Bulls RDS Showcase teams, which ultimately feed the Red Bulls Pre-academy and Academy platforms. Play occurs exclusively in the off-season to ensure minimal conflicts with a player’s regular travel team commitment.

Select teams are operated at five regional sites through NY and NJ, providing easy access for players throughout the metro area. Each season features six weeks of training and two tournaments, the program also incorporates a festival at Red Bulls Training Facility.

Subject to acceptance following try-out, features and benefits of the Regional Select program include:

  • Six 90-minute weekly training sessions (Winter training held indoors)
  • Two weekend tournaments
  • One festival at Red Bulls Training Facility
  • Regional Select practice jersey
  • Full Regional Select game day uniform*
  • Teams are available for boys and girls in the following age groups:
    • 2013 birth years (U12)
    • 2014 birth years (U11)
    • 2015 birth years (U10)
    • 2016 birth years (U9)

* Additional fees apply for game day uniform.

We will be announcing tryout information for our Summer Regional Select teams in the coming weeks, and information will be posted here as soon as registration is live. To find out more about the program we also invite you to attend our virtual Regional Select Open House on March 20th.

To register your interest, please fill out the form here, and we will be in touch shortly to confirm your spot.

Link to Typeform: Here