The New York Red Bulls Urban Soccer Program is an outreach initiative that serves urban communities in the Tri-State area. Utilizing the Red Bulls' extensive resources and player development expertise, our goals are to provide programs that help engage children in physical activity, use soccer as a vehicle to teach life skills & the value of teamwork, and promote discipline, confidence and self-esteem.
Programs Offered
Urban Soccer Programs are offered at no cost to organizations located in economically disadvantaged communities. The following programs are available:
- Summer camps
- Clinics
- Coach education workshops
- Player appearances
- Programming adviceÂ
For each program, professional trainers are on hand to teach skills in a fun and educational environment. Where available, guest visits are made by professional players and the Red Bulls Street Team.
The New York Red Bulls also collaborate to share ideas and best practices with other urban soccer groups that have the same goals and vision.
To learn more about the Urban Soccer Program and how to collaborate with your organization, call 1-888-370-7287 or email training@newyorkredbulls.com.