Coaching Courses

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The New York Red Bulls Player Development System provides a central resource for Coaching Education within New York and New Jersey. Through our exclusive partnerships with United Soccer Coaches (USC) and New Jersey Youth Soccer Association (NJYSA), we offer coach certification and diploma courses throughout the region. With multiple course pathways available within the U.S., the New York Red Bulls coordinate a one-stop education outlet for coaches and soccer organizations that are looking to take or host courses for their members.

Course Schedule
Reading of the Game
May 28th

Sports Illustrated Stadium

Phases of Play: Transitions
July 16th

Sports Illustrated Stadium


Start the learning process with the Red Bulls' Online Curriculum, which caters to players ages 4 to 16 and consists of over 700 activities that are available to partner organizations in electronic format. Selected activities are also supported by video files.

If you are a youth soccer organization and wish to host a course or discuss your coach education program, email or call 1-888-370-7287.

See what people are saying about the courses we host: